Klein and Lind are two of the country’s keenest political observers, and their books are a cut above the slew of others on the United States’ divisions.
Cooper and her colleagues argue that the success of the crown for Hull, where it brought in £220m of investment and an avalanche of arts, ought not to be confined to cities.库珀和她的同事认为,赫尔市获得的称号(该称号带来了2.2亿英镑的投资和大量艺术品)不应只局限于城市。
Degrees can help, but only with skills and capacities can we be a cut above the rest.学历可以起到一些作用,但只有再加上自身实力,我们才能更胜一筹。
We must XX to prove ourselves to be a cut above the rest.我们必须努力XX,来证明我们更加优秀。
Some democracies have performed well, but others have not, and the same is true for autocracies. The factors responsible for successful pandemic responses have been state capacity, social trust, and leadership.
Countries with all three have performed impressively, limiting the damage they have suffered. Countries with dysfunctional states, polarized societies, or poor leadership have done badly, leaving their citizens and economies exposed and vulnerable.
Back in the 20th century, there were deep concerns that automation could lead to mass job losses, but it turned out to give a huge boost to social and economic growth. The same is true for AI, which will not replace humans, but will help make societies more efficient.
Although they might not admit it, Klein and Lind are describing the same peak, just from opposite sides of the mountain.
Actually, they are describing the same peak, just from opposite sides of the mountain. AI will eliminate many low-skilled jobs, but at the same time, it will create more highly-skilled ones.
Just as it did in the case of ATMs, when people were worried that it would replace some bank tellers, but eventually, it created many more new jobs in sales and customer service.